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  • 副教授
  • zhanx@bjmu.edu.cn
  • 北京市海淀区学院路38号

2010年 毕业于北京大学,获统计学学士和经济学学士学位

2015年 毕业于美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学,获统计学博士学位

2015-2017年 美国弗雷德哈金森癌症研究中心, 博士后研究员

2017-2021年 美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学医学院,助理教授

现任151amjs澳金沙门和北京国际数学研究中心副教授。在国际知名生物统计和生物信息学期刊Biometrics,Bioinformatics,Genetics, Genetics Epidemiology等发表SCI学术论文近40篇,其中约一半是第一或通讯作者。




1. 2020.02-2021.06,基于微生物组学数据的新型变量选择的统计方法,美国国家卫生研究院(NIH),主持.

2. 2020.05-2021.06,基于非光滑流行的统计学习理论、方法和应用,美国国家科学基金(NSF),主持.



1. Srinivasan, A.^, Xue, L.*, and Zhan, X.* (2021). Compositional knockoff filter for high-dimensional regression analysis of microbiome data. Biometrics, in press. doi: 10.1111/biom.13336.

2. Zhan, X.* Banerjee, K.^ and Chen, J* (2021). Variant‐set association test for generalized linear mixed model. Genetic Epidemiology, 42(4), 402-412.

3. Yang, S., Wen, J., Eckert, S. T., Wang, Y., Liu, D. J., Wu, R., Li, R. and Zhan, X.* (2020). Prioritizing genetic variants in GWAS with lasso using permutation-assisted tuning. Bioinformatics, 36(12), 3811-3817.

4. Banerjee, K.^, Zhao, N., Srinivasan, A., Xue, L., Hicks, S. D., Middleton, F. A., Wu, R. and Zhan, X.* (2019). An adaptive multivariate two-sample test with application to microbiome differential abundance analysis. Frontiers in Genetics, 10, 350.

5. Zhan, X.* and Wu, M. C.* (2018). A note on testing and estimation in marker-set association study using semiparametric quantile regression kernel machine. Biometrics, 74, 764–766.

6. Zhan, X.,Xue, L., Zheng, H., Plantinga, A., Wu, M.C., Schaid, D.J., Zhao, N.* and Chen, J.* (2018). A small-sample kernel association test for correlated data with application to microbiome association studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 42, 772–782.

7. Zhan, X.*, Plantinga, A., Zhao, N. and Wu, M. C.* (2017). A fast small-sample kernel independence test for microbiome community-level association analysis. Biometrics, 73, 1453–1463.

8. Zhan, X.#, Tong, X.#, Zhao, N., Maity, A., Wu, M. C.* and Chen, J.* (2017). A small-sample multivariate kernel machine test for microbiome association studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 41, 210-220.

9. Zhan, X., Zhao, N., Plantinga, A., Thornton, T., Conneely, K., Epstein, M. P. and Wu, M. C.* (2017). Powerful genetic association analysis for common or rare variants with high dimensional structured traits. Genetics, 206, 1779–1790.

10. Zhan, X.*, Girirajan, S., Zhao, N., Wu, M. C., and Ghosh, D.* (2016). A novel copy number variants kernel association test with application to autism spectrum disorders studies. Bioinformatics, 32, 3603–3610.